Getting Started with Lash Extensions
Before your lash appointment we always recommend a “Lash Consultation”. Your natural lashes will dictate which lash extensions are appropriate and healthy for you.
During your Lash Consultation one of our Lash Professionals will inspect your lashes to let you know which lash types will best help you reach the look you desire.
Your Initial Appointment
Your initial appointment is about 2 hours (free naps included), we recommend you don’t consume any caffeine prior & remove contact lenses. Touch up fills are every 2-3 weeks depending on lifestyle and homecare.
Lash Types
The types of lashes we offer at On Fleek Studio include Classic Lashes, Hybrid Lashes, Volume Lashes and Mega Volume Lashes when you really want to make a statement!
Our Lash Professionals

All of our Lash Extension Specialists are Licensed Estheticians and/or Licensed Cosmetologists.
On Fleek Studio is a Borboleta Certified Studio and all of our Lash Artists receive extensive post-graduate training on lashing using Borboleta techniques and using Borboleta Products.
Eyelash Services
Using the classic lash technique, this set will be similar to the results of mascara. Perfect for someone not wanting to go too dramatic. A note from your lash technician: please do not consume caffeine prior to your appointment, prepare to relax with your eyes closed for 2 hours.
The best of both worlds, this set is 1/2 volume & 1/2 classic. This creates a textured, fluffy lash look.
A note from your lash technician: please do not consume caffeine prior to your appointment, prepare to relax with your eyes closed for 2 hours.
A luxurious full & fluffy set using volume fans.
A note from your lash technician: please do not consume caffeine prior to your appointment, prepare to relax with your eyes closed for 2 hours.
This is a super full & glamorous look. Choose this set if you are wanting a dramatic, dark lash line.
Ideal for a client that takes care of their lashes and is coming regularly every 2-3 weeks. This fill is for classic technique only.
Ideal for a client that takes care of their lashes and is coming regularly every 2-3 weeks. This fill is for a mix of volume & classic technique together.
Ideal for a client that takes care of their lashes and is coming regularly every 2-3 weeks. This option is for volume lashes only.